Wicca comes from the root "wicce" meaning to bend or shape.  Wicca is a contemporary religion, heralded by Gerald Gardner in 1954 after the repeal of the Anti-Witchcraft laws in Britain.  Wicca has roots in Witchcraft, Shamanism, and Ceremonial Magick.  Below are some of the beliefs and practices of Wiccans.



Wiccans acknowledge both the masculine and feminine aspects of deity, depicted as the God and the Goddess.  Some believe that the two are separate and distinct, while others believe that the God and Goddess are two aspects of a singular deity.

Wiccans call upon the deities of many pantheons, be it Celtic, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, or other.  Some Wiccans believe that these deities are all the same, merely called by different names. The God and Goddess are seen as beneficent, loving deities rather than vengeful or harsh.  Wiccans believe that they are able to speak directly to the God and Goddess, and known them spiritually, rather than requiring an intermediary.  See the GOD page and the GODDESS page for detailed info.



Wicca is an earth-based religion, which means that Wiccans live in reverence of nature.  They believe that all of nature is imbued with deity, therefore all forms of life are held in the highest regard.  Most Wiccans are involved in animal preservation and land conservation efforts, and many are vegetarians.  They do not believe in killing animals for sport, or engaging in any kind of animal cruelty.

Unfortunately, there are those who are ignorant and uneducated about Wicca, and believe that Wiccans engage in animal sacrifice.  This is absolutely untrue, and you will never find a group of people more dedicated to environmental issues.  See the ENVIRONMENT page for related issues and links.



Wiccans utilize magick to shape their lives.  Magick is the art/science of bending or shaping reality in accordance with one's will.  Magick is achieved by focusing and directing one's natural energy and/or that of the earth to bring about a desired result.   Much like prayer, magick is a means of obtaining one's needs and desires by force of will.

Magick is performed with herbs, candles, stones, charms, amulets, and other tools, or with none at all.


Personal Responsibility

Wiccans believe in taking responsibility for one's own actions.  They do not "give their problems to God" - they take action.  Likewise, they do not blame negative behavior on evil spirits or entities.  Wiccans take responsibility for their own actions and shape their own destiny.



Wiccans believe that all things are ruled by the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Akasha (spirit).  During ritual, Wiccans usually call upon the elements to aid them in their magickal workings.  Each elements governs certain things, and has its own characteristics.  See the ELEMENTAL CORRESPONDENCES page for more detailed information.



Wiccans believe that divination can be used as a tool to see the future as it will unfold, should all things remain constant.  Each person has the ability to change the course of events in their lives, therefore the art of divinatory practice is not meant to be etched in stone.

Wiccans divine the future through the use of scrying mirrors or cystal balls, tarot cards, runes, stones and gems (geomancy), astrology,  numerology, palmistry, or one of a hundred other methods.  See the DIVINATION page for more detailed information on tarot and runes.



Wiccans are highly ethical people who do not believe in bending the will of another.  They do not believe in casting love spells over people or performing bindings.  Some even believe that it is wrong to sending healing energy to someone without their prior consent.  Their motto is "An ye harm none, do what thee will", which is commonly referred to as the Wiccan Rede.  See the WICCAN REDE page for the rede in its entirety.

Karmic Law of Return

Wiccans believe that we are all connected by the web of life, therefore every action we undertake effects others.  They believe that all energies set into motion are returned to us times three.

"Ever mind the Rule of Three, what you send comes back to thee."

It is a commonly held belief among Wiccans that what is sent out returns to the sender threefold.  This is known at the Threefold Law.  Thus, any negative energy sent out will return three times as strong.  Others do not believe in the Threefold Law literally, but rather believe it is just a warning that our actions have consequences.  See the THREEFOLD LAW page for more information.  

Wheel of the Year

Wiccans celebrate the cycles of the moon and sun, and the changing of the seasons.  There are eight major Sabbats throughout the year, and thirteen Esbats, or full moons.

The Sabbats celebrate the harvests, the waning of the sun, and the return of the sun to the earth.  They are:

Yule/Winter Solstice - December 21st
Imbolg/Candlemas - February 2nd
Ostara/Spring Equinox - March 21st
Beltane/May Day -  May 1st
Midsummer/Summer Solstice/Litha - June 21st
Lughnasadh/Lammas - August 1st
Mabon/Autumn Equinox - September 21st
Samhain -  October 31st

See the WHEEL OF THE YEAR page for detailed information on the Sabbats, their significance, crafts, and activities.

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