



Shamanism is said to be the most ancient spiritual

practice known to man.  The term "shaman" is Siberian

in origin and means "the one who knows."  A shaman

can be defined as one who is able to alter states of

consciousness at will in order to travel to other realms

and obtain power and knowledge.

Contrary to common belief, a shaman is not necessarily

someone who follows Native American Spirituality.

Throughout history, shamans have been found in a

variety of cultures.   In your travels of the world wide

web you will find sites dealing with Irish/Celtic

Shamanism, Native American Shamanism, Siberian

Shamanism, Finno-Uralic Shamanism, and much more.

Shamanism is a spiritual practice which does not conform

to any particular ethno-religious system.




*The belief that all living things possess a soul or spirit.

This includes not only humans and animals, but plants,

stones, rivers and mountains.


*A feeling of connection to nature and the earth.

Shamans strive to live in harmony with their

surroundings and maintain respect for all living things.

 Shamans believe that all living creatures are connected

in some way, and that no living thing has

dominion over another.


*The belief that there are three levels of existence: the

lower world, the middle world (or physical plane), and

the upper world (the sky or heavens.)





*The shaman seeks a state of ecstasy through a shift in

consciousness which can be achieved through any number

of means.  In times past, many shamans achieved a state of

ecstasy through the infliction of physical pain, ingestion of

hallucinogens, and fasting.  In modern times, it is more

common that shamans achieve this state through rhythmic

drumming, dance, and song.  Methods of trance

inducement vary among cultures and traditions.

When the shaman's awareness shifts, his soul is able to

travel to the Spirit World, where he will obtain knowledge

that will assist him in healing, problem solving, or

achieving spiritual oneness.    During spiritual journeys

the shaman will often be assisted and protected by

spirit guides and power animals.

A common spiritual journey for the shaman is to travel

to the lower world to meet spirit guides.  The shaman

enters a trance state, and travels to the lower world

through a hole in the earth, such as a cave, tunnel, or tree.


*Healing is a central focus in shamanism.  The shaman

uses knowledge obtained in spirit quests to provide

healing to those who seek it.  Many shamans are

skilled in the art of herbalism.


*Soul retrieval is a common theme in shamanism.  It is

believed that soul loss can occur when a person suffers

a traumatic event, experiences great loss, or is not living

up to their true self.  The shaman utilizes trance states so

that his soul may travel to the upper world to aid

others in soul retrieval.



