Scientific Pantheism

Scientific Pantheism, or Natural Pantheism, is a belief system which combines scientific principles with a reverence for nature.  Its principle tenets of belief are:


the universe is the ultimate object of reverence, and supernatural deities,

        powers, or entities do not exist

all life is interconnected and we are all an inseparable part of nature, both

        in life and in death

we are all comprised of the same matter and energy which is present

        throughout the universe

the only "afterlife" which exists is the absorption/recycling of our elements

        back into nature upon death  

nature is sacred and should be protected and celebrated; we should strive

        to live in harmony with nature

all life has inherent value, whether human or non-human; all living beings

        should be treated with respect and dignity

all humans deserve dignity and respect, and therefore we promote ideas

        of social justice, freedom, democracy, and non-discrimination

every individual can access ultimate reality through meditation, which

        unites our consciousness with the matter of which everything is comprised


Because Pantheists do not believe in a supreme being (other than the universe itself), they do not feel any external compulsion to perform rituals or celebrate any "holy" days.  However, because of the connection they feel to nature and the cosmos, many celebrate seasonal and cosmic events such as the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, the Summer and Winter Solstices, full moons, eclipses, and meteor showers.  Pantheists see these events as times to revere the power and beauty of the universe and to celebrate the mystery of life.  Pantheists believe that our existence here and our connection to the world around us is the purpose of our lives, as they do not believe in an "afterlife."  Therefore, pantheists embrace life and see it as a joyous and uplifting experience.  For these reasons, they believe all celebrations of life passages, and of the natural world are worthy ones.

Pantheists do not have a particular code of ethics, as they do not believe they live by the mandate of any deity.  However, most pantheists feel a deep sense of responsibility to promote ecological conservation and preservation, social justice, non-discrimination, diversity, and world peace (as mentioned above).

The motto of the World Pantheist Movement, which summarizes their approach to the world, is "Revering the universe, caring for nature, celebrating life."  


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