

                Egypt is a land of beauty and mystery, with a rich
                   magickal history.  Below are some of the most popular
                 and powerful symbols seen throughout Egyptian
              history and mythology.



                            The ankh is an ancient Egyptian symbol which
                    represents eternal life.  In most Egyptian artwork,
                    the Gods are seen carrying ankhs in their hands, or
                    wearing garments adorned with ankhs.

                             Canopic jars were used to hold
                    vital organs  after the
                    mummification process.  A jar
                    with the image of Duamutef the
                    jackal held the stomach,
                    Qebehsenuf the falcon held the
                    intestines, Hapi the baboon held
                    the lungs, and Amset held the liver.
                    These were the four sons of Horus.

                            The organs were mummified in the
                    same manner as the rest of the
                    body, and the canopic jars were
                    buried within the tombs to avoid
                    being stolen.  It was believed that
                    any person who stole the organs
                    could use them to work evil magick.

                    The ancient Egyptians held cats to be
                    sacred.  Bast (also known as Bastet) was an
                    Egyptian goddess worshipped in the Delta
                    city of Bubastis, known to be the protector
                    of cats and their care-takers.  Bast is either
                    depicted as a cat sitting on its hind legs, or as
                    a woman with the head of a cat.  Bastet was
                    believed to be the "good side" of the

                            Horus, son of Osiris and Isis, in a battle to
                    avenge his father's death, wounded his
                    eye, which was later healed by the god
                    Thoth.  Now the Eye of Horus (udjat) is
                    a common amulet. 

                    The scarab is a dung-eating beetle which was
                    held sacred by the ancient Egyptians.  The scarab
                    represented immortality, and was commonly
                    found in carvings and in jewelry.  The scarab was
                    used an amulet to ward off evil and bring luck.


                    Gods & Goddesses


- Egyptian god depicted as a jackal,
                        and responsible for guiding the soul while
                        making the transition between the land of the
                        living and the land of the dead.  Also said to
                        be the inventor of enbalming, and therefore
                        responsible for the preservation of the dead.


                         HORUS - Often depicted with the head of a
                        falcon, and known as the son of Osiris.  Horus
                        is said to have defeated his uncle Set in battle,
                        in order to avenge his father's murder.

                                ISIS - The most important goddess in ancient
                        Egyptian mythology.  Isis was responsible for
                        motherhood, marital relations, healing, and
                        magick.  She was said to be a very powerful
                        magician, able to bring Osiris back to life after
                        being killed by his brother Set.

- Often depicted wearing an ostrich
                        feather, which is the hieroglyphic symbol for
                         her name.  She was said to be present at the
                        judgment of the dead, where she would
                        weigh her feather against the heart of the
                        deceased to determine if they had led a pure


                         OSIRIS - Husband and brother of Isis, god
                        of the dead and of resurrection, ruler and
                        protector of the deceased.

- The god of the sun.  Ra was seen as the
                        most powerful of the gods in early years, but
                        was said to have fled to become a sky god, at
                        which time Isis, Osiris, and others took on a
                        more powerful role in the hierarchy of the


                                                                            Background courtesy of

                                                                Graphics courtesy of


                                    Do you follow an Egyptian path?
                         Go to Crossroad Lyceum/Fellowhip of Isis
